About Us

What is Lavoisier H2 Geoconsult ?

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Lavoisier H2 Geoconsult SASU, is a Research, Consulting and Services company in the field of Geosciences that was founded in 2022.

Fueled by our Research in Geosciences Lavoisier H2 Geoconsult provides Geosciences services to support exploration of Geo-resources worldwide both onshore and offshore.

Lavoisier H2 Geoconsult is a part of a network of experts and partners enabling an interdisciplinary approach to complex projects.

We develop, provide and apply new methods together with our partners to increase their exploration and storage capacity.

Our partners

logo HES Expertise Services
logo M&U
Samuel Pierre Geoservices
Advanced Isotopic Analysis

CEO – Dr. Eric C. Gaucher

Eric Gaucher