
Consulting – Natural Hydrogen

You are an investor interested in Natural Hydrogen and want an independent assessment of the quality of a prospect. Our method evaluates the available documentation on the basis of a multi-criteria analysis. We will assess the information available from the various fields of geoscience. We will investigate the presence of source rock, the timing of hydrogen generation, the migration paths and the potential for underground gas trapping, and we will provide an estimation of natural hydrogen volumes. Gas quality and the presence of other economic gas accumulations will also be studied. Our method makes it possible to compare several prospects to establish a ranking of the best opportunities and enhance the security of your investment.

You are an exploration company and you want to challenge your exploration method and check that your level of understanding of the geological system is sufficient. We propose to review your prospect and your method of investigation. With the help of our network of partner companies, we can propose technical solutions to increase your level of understanding of the hydrogen system and to increase your chances of successful exploration.


Consulting – Water/rock/gas Interaction

With 30 years’ experience in geochemistry, Eric Gaucher has solved numerous scientific and technical problems in the field of reactivity in water/rock/gas systems. Lavoisier H2 Geoconsult can therefore implement analytical and experimental methods at its university partners, as well as the most sophisticated chemistry-transport computing methods. Adapting thermodynamic databases to your problem is also key to the correct numerical representation of your system.

You can contact us on the following subjects:

Groundwater (GW) chemistry and isotopes (data acquisition methods, data quality , data origin, equilibrium with aquifer rocks, aquifer connectivity, groundwater mixing, effect of temperature changes, scaling deposits, origin of dissolved gases).
– Modeling disturbed systems (stability of caprocks, cement-clay interactions, source rock oxidation, metal pollution, H2S karstification, anhydrite/gypsum transformation)
– Interpretation and numerical modelling of carbonates diagenesis (origin of continental carbonate deposits, dolomitization, silicification…)
– Identifying the origin of natural gas (shale gas leaks). Limiting metal contamination during shale gas and metal mining operation.

Natural Hydrogen Exploration & Prospection

We can assist you in the exploration and prospecting of natural hydrogen and associated gases (He). We use our advanced expertise to identify high potential areas by estimating reserves and assessing the economic viability of mining projects.

We carry out prospecting and exploration operations in the field of natural hydrogen, in collaboration and for third parties.

Scientific research

Scientific Research

We study natural resources, such as minerals, hydrocarbons and groundwater, to better characterize them, determine their origin and optimize their sustainable exploitation. We are particularly interested in geologically related renewable energy sources such as hydrogen and geological storage of CO2.

We can carry out scientific research operations by itself, in collaboration or for third parties.

You will find the scientific publications illustrating the research areas of our expert.

Specialized Training

Our training service offers you the opportunity to acquire new skills, improve your knowledge and develop your expertise in various fields. We offer several courses:
Natural Hydrogen training (1/2-3 days): Learn the Basics and Advanced concepts on the economic, strategic and scientific aspects of natural hydrogen exploration and perspectives. Field work can be add to the training (Definition of a successful exploration project, Soil gas measurements, degassing of groundwaters, main artifacts…). Training Brochure

PHREEQC courses “Numerical modeling in thermodynamics” (3-5 days): Learn the basics and the advanced on the numerical modeling of hydrogeochemical and thermodynamics and become familiar with standard software.
