Terms & Conditions


Lavoisier H2 Geoconsult is a unipersonal simplified joint stock company (Société par action simplifié unipersonnel, SASU) with a capital of EUR 2 000. SIRET number: 911 469 088 00015. RCS Annecy 911 469 088
Headquarters: 1091 Route DES PECLES 74400 CHAMONIX-MONT-BLANC
E-mail : contact@lavoisierh2.com
Internet : https://lavoisierh2.com

Publication manager:

Jean Gaucher – Development Officer – Lavoisier H2 Geoconsult
E-mail : contact@lavoisierh2.com


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Intellectual Property

The entire content of this website (layout, texts, illustrations, and software, etc.) is the property of Lavoisier H2 Geoconsult. Pursuant to article L.122-4 of the French Intellectual Property Code, any specifically unauthorized representation or reproduction in full or in part and by any means is unlawful and shall be deemed a punishable counterfeit under articles L. 335-2 and following of the French Intellectual Property Code.

Any Internet user agrees to use the content of this website only within the strict framework offered by the Site.


Lavoisier H2 Geoconsult declines any responsibility for any malfunctioning that may occur on the Site, loss of data or unavailability of access to the information produced on it. Lavoisier H2 Geoconsult is unable to fully guarantee the completeness and accuracy of the information on the Website and the absence of modification by a third party (intrusion, virus). The Internet user is solely responsible for the use he makes of the content of the Website.

The elements presented on the Site are subject to change without notice and are made available to Internet users, without any guarantee of any kind, express or implied.

The presence of hypertext links on the Site does not create a solidarity of responsibility between Lavoisier H2 Geoconsult and the owners of the other sites, as to the content of the sites to which the Internet user is redirected. Only the responsibility of these sites can be engaged.